Limericks ~ Friday, April 24, 2020
We've been writing Limericks!
There once was a cat on the block
who swore that he knew how to talk.
With a whip of his tail
the dogs would all quail
and back away down the side walk.
There once was a cat on the block
who never did more than a walk.
When he stretched out a paw
out came the claw.
He never did learn how to talk.
There once was an annoying jerk,
who always had a dumb smirk.
But his smirk did die
when we was attacked with a pie,
but he got to eat pie as a perk.
A trip to the movies can be tonic
to life's stress. But it's ironic
(though I'm no cinéaste
or snob) that our last
outing downtown
for a show pre-lockdown
starred a CG hedgehog named Sonic.
This is the seal of County Limerick, Ireland, which may or may not have anything to do with Limericks...