Trolley Modeling in N Scale

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Streetcar Suburb ~ Monday, September 06, 2021

Road grading, in the form of balsa and wood filler, is complete on the "country" side of the layout, and a suburban neighorhood has already popped up.

Following the "water soluable scenery method" (as explained in the book by Dave Frary, which I recommend--used copies can be found "dirt cheap" on abebooks.com) I found a reasonable "dirt" colored interior wall paint at a local hardware store. The color is called "My Guinea Pig" (Valspar #T578); for those of you used to thinking about colors in RGB hex values, it's c2a987. I mostly chose this shade because it was a match to the paint I had put onto the layout board when I first started building the layout (which was probably just craft paint).

Eventually, I should add some extra color touches, oil splotches, etc, not to mention adding weeds to the drainage ditches.

The sidewalk was made using the same methods I used for the "downtown" section, as explained in this post from back in 2007 (I really need to speed this project up!). The fence is built up from individual styrene "boards"--which is really not that hard if you have a NSWL "Chopper".

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