Trolley Modeling in N Scale

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Wildflower Excursion at the Western Railway Museum ~ Friday, April 20, 2018

Last weekend we visited the Western Railway Museum and rode a spring wildflower excursion train. We "splurged" and went first class which meant we rode Salt Lake & Utah parlor-observation car 751, and got cookies and lemonade.

Pushing and pulling the train was Sacramento Northern 1005 (featured on the museum's logo) which I had not seen running before (it only entered service, after a very thorough restoration, a few years ago).

Our conductor was very friendly and by chatting with him I learned about the history of electric railways, and some interesting tidbits about the history of local railway museums, too.

The Wildflower Excursion is running through April 29th. This is a great time of year to visit the museum!

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